Hello, everybody! After a crazy beginning to 2017--2 jobs, 1 class, prepping for Valentine's Day, etc.--I'm back to blogging and reading. However, this return comes with several important notes, so please stick with me and check out what's changing this year!


First of all: for those of you following me on Booklikes, I'm going to ask you to please follow me on Wordpress: https://bloggerichey.wordpress.com/. It was brought to my attention that exporting is not supported on Booklikes, and so for professional reasons I've chosen to do much of my writing on Wordpress; no worries, book reviews and book info will still be on Booklikes, but I'd love to have you on WP as well.


Secondly: for personal reasons, I am no longer on FB or Twitter. While I don't believe that any of you have opted to follow me in that way, please be aware that I have stopped using (or will be stopping using) those social media sites, so connecting with me in that way will no longer be possible. I am still on IG (e_adele), and I encourage followers, so please feel free to follow me there; also, messages via Booklikes or WP will always be answered.


Thirdly: due to these changes, I'm reaching out to all you lovely followers to double check that you've not made any changes to your following. If you have a preference for IG/Booklikes/WP followings, let me know! I'm more than happy to follow your IG page, your Booklikes blog, or your Wordpress blog; all you have to do is ask!


Thanks for bearing with me. Looking forward to being back and keeping up with you all again.

